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Speaking English Abroad: Should I Learn the Language of My Host Country?

by 布里吉特拉森
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当我选择 去法国里维埃拉留学 与东航, I assumed knowing a bit of French would be instrumental in determining how I spent my experience abroad. Entering a country whose official language is not English can be intimidating and might discourage you from studying here. 不要让这些影响你的决定! 昂蒂布城, 位于尼斯以南20分钟的地方, is a tourist destination for people from all over the world. Because of this, many of the locals and business owners speak a surmountable level of English. 另外, the SKEMA 业务 School in Sophia Antipolis is an internationally acclaimed school where many of the classes are taught exclusively in English.

To answer my question from the title of this article: no, it is not necessary to become completely fluent in the official language of your host country. In fact, if you’re studying abroad in a large city, chances are, most people probably speak English. Although 在那里 are benefits to knowing the language of your host country, 它不应该阻止你想要 宝博体育 在那里.


I have studied the French language in school for many years, which was a leading factor in my decision to 法国留学. I chose to study in the south of 法国 because I hoped to enhance this skill for my future career in international business and supply chain management. Although my classes are taught in English and many residents have a basic understanding of this language, 我找到了许多练习说法语的方法. 我向我的项目主管表达了我的担忧, who gave me great advice and went with me to a local organization. 组织, Les Restaurants Du Cœur, is a non-profit association founded by a famous French actor, to fight poverty in 法国. 我报名成为一名志愿者,每周工作两天, I help other volunteers who guide me through the process of distributing food to the less fortunate in 昂蒂布. 许多志愿者只会说法语, which places me in an environment where I have to think on my feet. 到目前为止, this organization has been a great opportunity to practice language skills and also to give back to the community. I’ve had so much fun speaking to the volunteers and learning about the organization’s impact in 法国!

另外, studying abroad in Europe entails traveling to many destinations. Many students choose to visit tourist destinations and landmarks; however, 在那里 are many beautiful places that are a bit more secluded. I have been fortunate enough to visit some of these places in the south of 法国, 具体地说, on a hike in Théole Sur Mer during the time of the blooming of the Mimosa trees. Speaking French has definitely been an asset on these excursions and is something I can bring home with me that won’t take up space in my suitcase!


Making friends at an international school can also be intimidating. I have had the opportunity to meet students from all over the world who speak both French and English. The best part is sharing cultural differences and even experiencing new ones. One experience that I value apart from the others was a potluck hosted by friends from school. 我们吃的菜包括挪威烟熏鲑鱼卷, 黑麦面包上的芬兰鲑鱼, 荷兰苹果派, 中国的羊肉, 墨西哥油炸玉米粉饼, 哥伦比亚萨尔萨舞, 还有德国黑甘草糖. Although these dishes do not necessarily go together, it was one of the best meals I’ve ever had. Even sitting on the beach in the late afternoon in 昂蒂布 has been a great after-school activity and a way to interact with international students.

If you are thinking about studying abroad in Europe, consider studying in the south of 法国! There are so many places to visit within a short distance by bus or train, or you can simply stay in 昂蒂布 and go to the beach!


布里吉特拉森 is the Spring 2020 CEA MOJO 博客ger in 法国里维埃拉, 法国, 目前在田纳西大学学习.
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